Terms of Use

Neonance is English-only. In case of conflict, the English version is the only one binding on Neonance. Neonance isn't liable for incorrect, inadequate, or misleading translations until users are notified. Neonance gives any individual or business entity (the Investor/Client) access to its website and user-related services according to the procedure and terms and conditions defined in this Agreement. The Agreement begins when the Investor opens an investment account and transfers monies to the Company's account(s) to ensure minimum investment deposit. In the Agreement, "individual" covers corporations, unincorporated groups, partnerships, and individuals. Headings and notes are for reference only and do not affect the Agreement's text or interpretation.




  • -Investors are notified and agree that the Company is not liable for their conversion actions. Investors must manage investment and trading accounts.
  • - Company retains the right to alter this Agreement and agrees to notify Investors through E-mail at least 2 working days before the effective date.
  • - All Company and Investor rights and responsibilities are long-term and remain in effect until the Company receives an Investor's notice to terminate this agreement or close his Neonance account.
  • - Company is not liable for non-fulfillment of responsibilities concerning online information communication to an Investor terminal or use of non-Company websites' information, platform, software, and interface.
  • - Neonance's and its representatives' market suggestions and information are not offers to transact.



  • - Any actions/errors by an investor that destabilize the Company's business or performance of its services, equipment, or software may result in the Company refusing (on the basis of private law) to service the Investor's current investment/trading account and canceling all investment orders, with full refund of the remaining deposit. Neonance would inform the Investor of the decision. Neonance may refuse this Investor's future registration.
  • - Under-18s can't trade, so they can't use Neonance
  • - Neonance input is accurate.
  • - Changes to uploaded information must be reported to Neonance
  • - Neonance is English-only. In case of a conflict, the English version is the only one binding on Neonance. Neonance isn't liable for incorrect, inadequate, or misleading translations until users are notified. Any individual or business entity (hereafter referred to as the Investor/Client) may access Neonance website and user-related services according to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Agreement begins when the member establishes a trade account and transfers monies to the Company's trading wallet to ensure minimum trading deposit. In the Agreement, references to individuals include corporations, unincorporated associations, partnerships, and individuals. Headings and notes are for reference only and do not affect the agreement's contents or interpretation.



  • - Company retains the right to alter this Agreement and agrees to notify traders via E-mail at least 2 working days before the effective date.
  • - All rights and duties of the Company and its trader reflect a long-term commitment until the Company gets a trader's notice of termination or terminating his Neonance account.
  • - Company is not responsible for the quality of online information communication to a member's terminal or the usage of information, platform, software, and interface from non-Company websites.
  • - Neonance's and its representatives' market suggestions and information are not offers to transact.



  • - Any actions/errors committed by a member that destabilize the Company's business or performance of its services, equipment, or software may result in the Company refusing (based on private law) to service the Investor's current investment/trading account and canceling all trading orders, with a full refund of the remaining deposit. Neonance would explain the decision to the trader. Neonance may refuse this trader's future registration.
  • - Under-18s can only trade with parental permission.
  • - Neonance 's input is accurate.
  • - Changes to uploaded information must be reported to Neonance.
  • - The submitted email isn't utilized. All notices, requests, complaints, and information submitted to this address are from the Investor.
  • - Due diligence and withdrawal requests may require members to confirm account data accuracy. Company may obtain a copy of the trader's ID and residency document. Inability to submit requested documentation may result in the Company refusing to service the investor's present needs and canceling any trading orders, with full refund of the remaining deposit. Neonance must explain its choice to the Investor.
  • - Neonance may cancel duplicated registrations, open positions, and check-out requests if a client double-registers. For investigation, duplicate accounts will be frozen.
  • - Neonance must explain its choice to the Investor.
  • - Neonance may cancel double registrations, open positions, and withdrawal requests if a client double-registers. For investigation, duplicate accounts will be frozen.



  • - Investors realize the potential of trading losses, therefore they must assess their finances before trading.
  • - Client acknowledges he/she may lose all initial and extra trading funds.
  • - Client accepts that the company cannot be held responsible for Client's losses caused by government prohibitions, foreign exchange or market rules, trading suspensions, military actions, or other 'force majeure' circumstances beyond Neonance's control.
  • - Investors must store trading account access data securely and prevent unauthorized access to trade terminals. Investor's losses and risks related with restoring trading account access impose no duties on Neonance , other than providing fresh access details after identification procedure.



  • - Traders must fund their trading account within 30 days after its opening with a minimum amount (minimum initial deposit).
  • - Neonance may close/cancel an account with a balance below 1 cent after 30 days without trading activity.
  • - Traders can withdraw the amount not used to cover margin, but not more than their existing balance.
  • - Traders must use the website's withdrawal interface. Neonance isn't liable for third-party access to client information and withdrawal orders. The withdrawal amount is withdrawn from a member's trading account whenever an order is received.
  • - In circumstances of Blockchain confirmation delays, deposits may take 24 hours to verify and approve.
  • - Neonance is not responsible for funds transferred using a different crypto wallet address than the one listed on the website. The company does not investigate or refund trader payments and cannot credit these funds to the trader's account balance.
  • - Neonance may deny a withdrawal request if a trader intends to switch payment systems.
  • - Set trading rules quickly.
  • - As a private transaction, this program is free from the US Securities Act of 1933, the US Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and the US Investment Company Act of 1940. Not FDIC-insured. We're not a bank or security company.
  • - You promise to keep all Neonance information, communications, and materials private and secret. The information, communications, and materials herein are not an offer or solicitation for investments in any area that deems non-public offers or solicitations unlawful, nor to any individual to whom it is prohibited to make such an offer or solicitation.
  • - Neonance is not responsible for a member's violation of the terms and conditions or use of our website. You promise to not use Neonance illegally and to respect local, national, and international laws.
  • - Don't publish negative comments on public forums or Gold Rating Site before notifying our administrator. Please clear your transaction with the administrator in case there was a technical issue.
  • - This program prohibits SPAM and UCE. SPAM violators will be removed permanently.
  • - Please stop if you disagree with the disclaimer. In the Agreement, references to a law include any statutory amendment or re-enactment thereof and any rule or order made under such legislation, statute or enactment (or under such a modification or re-enactment).